Our new animal breathing technique key fob has the same info as our larger cards but on a handy key fob, ideal to carry around in bags, in the car or in classes for easy access, breathing activities for kids are a great strategy for supporting self-regulation and calm behavior at home, in the classroom, and beyond!
Benefits of Breathing Exercises for Children
Increased self-awarenss
Decreases stress.
Reduces anxiety.
Helps you to remain calm.
Strengthens sustained attention.
Sharpens the ability to focus and learn.
Slows the heart rate.
Lowers blood pressure.
Helps to control your emotions.
Promotes appropriate social behaviours.
Encourages happiness.
10 animal themed breathing exercises, ideal for pre-schools, nurseries, reception, childminders, groups. Waterproof & durable cards.
This set is an ideal accompanyment to our animal yoga cards and animal strenth cards, check out our resource set to purchase all 3 sets and save money! All our cards are waterproof & durable! Ideal for schools, clubs and home!
Each card is approx 4cm x 5.5cm.