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30 Circle Time ~ Community Circle Cards
  • 30 Circle Time ~ Community Circle Cards


    There are many ways to use these cards.


    Here are a few ideas:


    *Community Building Circle at the beginning or end of the day

    Begin and end every school day with a community circle (check-in/check-out) this helps to form relationships between class communities.

    Select one card and each student in turn gives their response.

    Or allow each child to select a random card & each give a response.

    This practice introduces respectful relationships where each child needs to listen to their peers and each child has a voice.

    This is also an opportunity for the group to learn about each other.

    You can use them to establish classroom routines around student sharing.

    Use them to practice childrens expectations of taking turns and listening to others points of views, how to share ideas and respect others opinions.

    *1 -1 ice breaking session between an adult and child

    This gives the child an opportunity to talk about their feelings & views, in a safe environment with the knowledge that they are being listened to.

    Cards are waterproof and robust, so no endless printing, cutting and laminating,

    There are 30 cards supplied with a handy linen bag, with engaging clourful graphics.

    Cards are credit card size 8.5cm x 5.5cm. pvc waterproof & robust.

    Emoji icons supplied under licence by EmojiOne

    Images and products are subject to copyright © Strength Cards LTD.

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